Ensuring the winter serviceability of the road network saves a large number of human lives every year, and enables economic activity to continue.

The use of road salt is the best method in terms of efficiency, cost and environmental impact.

To further minimize the latter, the Salins Group promotes “intelligent salting”.

In terms of environmental impact, the effects of sodium chloride are well known and remain limited if the correct practices are followed:

Store salt in sheds and, if this is not possible, cover the stock.

When it comes to spreading salt, which must be done wisely, use the right dose. In this case, the salt applied (10 to 30g/m² of road during a spreading operation) is highly diluted and its concentration quickly returns to its natural level.

The best way to reduce the impact of salt on the environment is to optimize its use, in particular by training the personnel responsible for applying it.

The “salt slurry” technique initiated by Compagnie des Salins du Midi in the 1970s, is finally beginning to spread in France. Progress in spreading equipment, enabling good regularity with very low dosages, is also contributing to this optimization.

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