The diverse and remarkable physico-chemical properties of sodium chloride, such as its hygroscopicity or the density, ionic strength and low freezing temperature of its solutions, make salt an essential technological agent that is difficult to substitute in many industrial applications, with a performance/cost ratio that is generally very competitive.

The diversity of these uses requires different types of salt, depending on the processes and conditions of use. The Salins Group has mastered all the production methods and techniques required to obtain a very wide range of qualities and packagings (sea, rock or refined salt, dry or wet, crushed, screened or compacted, from the finest to the coarsest, in bags, flexible containers or bulk), offering solutions adapted to all applications and industrial sectors.

Among all these industrial uses, whose exhaustive list would be too long to detail, we can mainly mention :

  • - Preservation of raw hides and skins
  • - Salt and metals

Salt has many other industrial uses. These include dye fixing in the textile industry, the manufacture of fats used in the formulation of cosmetic products, sunbathing basins (experiments in Israel, the United States and France), etc.

Industrie-Groupe Salins